Covenant with Champions

Hope of Glory Ministries’ Mission is to serve the homeless and needy of Tucson and Pima County, Arizona.   In order to do this we need the support and cooperation of those who share this vision.  We recognize that we and our supporters (hereafter called “Champions,”) must be in agreement in the following areas:


  1. To make our Champions aware of our mission, the manner in which we intend to use donated resources, and of our capacity to use said resources effectively for their intended purpose.
  1. To inform our Champions of the identity of those serving on the organization’s governing board, with the expectation that the board exercise prudent judgment in its stewardship responsibilities.
  1. That they have the assurance that their gifts will be receipted (both abilities and donations) will be used for the purposes for which they were offered.
  1. To give our Champions appropriate acknowledgement and recognition.
  1. That the information about any donations will be handled with respect and with confidentiality to the extent provided by law.  An accounting of monetary gifts will be sent no later than January 15th of the next year.
  1. To insure that all lists and information regarding Champions be held to be private and confidential.
  1. That all relationships with Champions will be gracious and professional in nature.
  1. That any misunderstandings or conflicts (i.e. between volunteers or guests) be aired openly with leaders and taken to the full board if necessary.
  1. That the Champions have ample opportunities to utilize their God-given gifts and abilities to their fullest extent in keeping with our mission/vision.


  1. Uphold Christian moral values in their dealings with us and with the people we serve.
  1. To esteem other volunteers and the people we serve—as valued children of God.
  1. To follow through on all commitments to the ministry to the best of their ability.
  1. To bring any concerns or constructive ideas to the leadership.
  2. Be blessed!
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